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This picture looks better than 96.37% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.6
This picture has been rated : 121 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United States
Our African peacock cichlid tank.Tank: 90g bowfront with overflow, Eshopps R100 refugium, SICCE Voyager 3 Power head Rocks: Talc, limestone and serpentine.Plants: Java fern and vallisneria (hidden behind the big rock near overflow Fish: Firefish peacock, Rubescens peacock, Ethelwynnae peacock, lemon Jake peacock, Blue Orchid peacock, Red Top Lwanda peacock, Sulfur Head peacock, German Red peacock, OB peacock, Albino pink peacock, Taiwan Reef hap, Magnum pleco (L047), Blue phantom pleco (L128), Golden nugget pleco (L018)
Filtration, filtration and more filtration.
Fish Kept:
Firefish peacock, Rubescens peacock, Ethelwynnae peacock, lemon Jake peacock, Blue Orchid peacock, Red Top Lwanda peacock, Sulfur Head peacock, German Red peacock, OB peacock, Albino pink peacock, Taiwan Reef hap, Magnum pleco (L047), Blue phantom pleco (L128), Golden nugget pleco (L018)
Java fern, vallisneria
Tank Size:
90 gallons