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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
This was a gift for my sons 5 month b day its a 60 gallon tank 2 rocks on the side underwater coral decor with a heater to keep the baby oscars happy and iam using a tetra ex70 filter but planing on upgradeing and last is the aqua blue light blubs
its safer and cheaper to plan ahead before buying
Fish Kept:
2 red oscars, 1 tiger oscar, 1 albino oscar, 5 kongo tetras, 1 elphantnose, 2 convicts, 1 plecko, 1 golden algee eater, 1 red devil, 1 blood red parrot
Tank Size:
60 gallons
About Yourself:
I was into fish for a long time but when my son was born i got back into the hobby iam a tattoo artist so i love the limitness of a tank with the different fish and thats it hope u enjoy.