Rank Info
This picture looks better than 81.39% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.32
This picture has been rated : 41 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
Filtration 2x Ac 110 , 1x Rena Xp3
Air Pump Marinland
Heater Stealth 250
Lighting Lightning rod, sunlight and atanic
Substrate Natural sand
Rocks Texas holey rock
Background Rocks
Plants None
Feeding 2x a day Dainichi color fx , krill 2x a week
Have patience
Fish Kept:
1 Chaetostoma thomasi
1 Aulonocara baenschi
1 Protomelas taeniolatus
1 Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (Otter Pt.)
1 Aulonocara koningsi
1 Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (Undu Reef)
1 Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chiwindi)
1 Aulonocara Red Shoulder
1 Aulonocara stuartgranti (Ngara)
1 Sciaenochromis fryeri OB
1 Copadichromis borleyi (Kadango)
1 Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwan Reef)
2 Sciaenochromis ahli
1 Nimbochromis venustus
2 Auloncara Stawberry's
1 Auloncara OB
1 Labidochromis caeruleus
1 Aulonocara stuartgranti "German Red"
1 Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chiwindi)
1 Aulonocara stuartgranti (Rubescens)
1 Aulonocara steveni "Mbamba Bay" F1
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself: