Photo #1 - 46 Gallon Bow Mixed Sps, Lps, Softies, Zoanthid A...

46 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 46 Gallon Bow mixed sps, lps, softies, zoanthid and mushroom reef with 35 corals total, purple serpent star, peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, various blue legged crabs and astrea snails. Fish - Solarensis Wrasse, Oscellaris Clownfish, Bicolor Blenny, Green Spotted Mandarin. 65 lbs of LR and 15lbs of LS. 2 x 150 watts of 14,000K Phoenix bulbs Sunpod. Aqua C Remora Skimmer, 3 Hydor Koralia 1's.
corals inverts - catalaphyllia jardinei - elegance coral stocking in 46 gallons tank - Elegance hosting my Oscellaris Clownfish
46 Gallon Bow mixed sps, lps, softies, zoanthid and mushroom reef with 35 corals total, purple serpent star, peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, various blue legged crabs and astrea snails. Fish - Solarensis Wrasse, Oscellaris Clownfish, Bicolor Blenny, Green Spotted Mandarin. 65 lbs of LR and 15lbs of LS. 2 x 150 watts of 14,000K Phoenix bulbs Sunpod. Aqua C Remora ...
Submitted By: thunder on
Photo Caption: 46 Gallon Bow mixed sps, lps, softies, zoanthid and mushroom reef with 35 corals total, purple serpent star, peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, various blue legged crabs and astrea snails. Fish - Solarensis Wrasse, Oscellaris Clownfish, Bicolor Blenny, Green Spotted Mandarin. 65 lbs of LR and 15lbs of LS. 2 x 150 watts of 14,000K Phoenix bulbs Sunpod. Aqua C Remora Skimmer, 3 Hydor Koralia 1's.
46 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 46 Gallon Bow mixed sps, lps, softies, zoanthid and mushroom reef with 35 corals total, purple serpent star, peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, various blue legged crabs and astrea snails. Fish - Solarensis Wrasse, Oscellaris Clownfish, Bicolor Blenny, Green Spotted Mandarin. 65 lbs of LR and 15lbs of LS. 2 x 150 watts of 14,000K Phoenix bulbs Sunpod. Aqua C Remora Skimmer, 3 Hydor Koralia 1's.
corals inverts - catalaphyllia jardinei - elegance coral stocking in 46 gallons tank - Elegance hosting my Oscellaris Clownfish
saltwater fish - ecsenius bicolor - bicolor blenny stocking in 46 gallons tank - Blenny
corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - button polyp, pink stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - euphyllia paradivisa - frogspawn coral - branched stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - ricordea florida - orange ricordea mushrooms stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - red mushroom stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - purple mushrooms stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - sinularia sp. - finger leather coral stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - sarcophyton elegans - yellow fiji leather coral stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - favites sp. - super green favia brain stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - button polyp stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - seriatopora stellata - pink thick branch birdsnest coral stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - rhodactis indosinensis - hairy mushroom stocking in 46 gallons tank - Corals
corals inverts - ricordea yuma - ricordea mushroom stocking in 46 gallons tank - More Corals
corals inverts - ricordea yuma - orange ricordea mushroom stocking in 46 gallons tank - More Corals
corals inverts - ricordea yuma - ricordea mushroom stocking in 46 gallons tank - More Corals
corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - colony polyp stocking in 46 gallons tank - Some of my corals

Rank Info

Ranked #431 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 72.98% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.7
This picture has been rated : 154 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91

More Info

State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Description: 46 Gallon Bow mixed sps, lps, softies, zoanthid and mushroom reef with 35 corals total, purple serpent star, peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, various blue legged crabs and astrea snails. Fish - Solarensis Wrasse, Oscellaris Clownfish, Bicolor Blenny, Green Spotted Mandarin. 65 lbs of LR and 15lbs of LS. 2 x 150 watts of 20,000K XM bulbs Sunpod. Aqua C Remora Skimmer, 2 Hydor Koralia 1's. In-tank 7 watt UV Sterilizer not in use because my quartz sleeve broke
Advice: You will only learn what works and what does not with experience
Fish Kept: 4Fish - Solarensis Wrasse, Oscellaris Clownfish, Bicolor Blenny, Green Spotted Mandarin
Corals/Plants: Mixed sps, lps, softy, zoanthid and mushroom reef with 35 corals total
Tank Size: 46 gallons
About Yourself: Stay at home Dad taking care of my 4 year and 15 month old boys. I love design and color and I use this with aquascaping and placement of corals.


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