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The Average Score for this category is: 4.07
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United States
I have a 90 gal marineland tank. My filtration system is a Basics Reaction Stage 4, model EFU-35, canister that filters up to 150 gal tank. My lighiting is Solarmax HE double T5 lighting with 8 LED moonlights. The heater is a Marineland Stealth Pro 250 watts.
This is my first fish tank. I can honestly say that my local fish stores have been a great source of knowledge to me. My local stores have been very helpful Fishy Business (Longwood, FL), Fantastic Aquariums (Orlando, FL) and Tropical Fish Store (Daytona, FL).
Fish Kept:
Cichlids: 2 bumble bee, 2 red zebra, 2 brown zebra, 2 dempsies, 2 blue ice, 1 red fin, 5 blue/gray (not sure name)
2 catfish, 1 algae eater
Artificial plants (see local crafts stores) and rock.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
I am a owner of a valet company in Orlando. I have always wanted a fish tank. It's a pretty cool hobby but definitely can be very expensive. When I was younger I use to build homes, so I built my own fish tank stand that I am very proud of. It is definitely 100 times beefier than anything you can buy in stores for around $125.