More Info
United States
36"w x 18"d x 20"h, two Whisper 40i filters with extra activated charcoal, homemade blue LED nightlight
The more active you are paying attention to your water chemistry, the more fish you can keep. If you want to take it easy, don't get a lot of fish. If you want a full tank, be prepared to work at it.
Fish Kept:
Zebra danios, long fin blue danios, gold gourami, swordtail, German blue rams, black phantom tetras, albino siamese algae eater, cory catfish, fancy guppies
Fake plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"I'm sorry is the same as I apologize...unless you're at a funeral." -Dmitri Martin
About Yourself:
This is my second fish tank. The first was an ill-kept 10 gallon I had in college. I learned so much from my mistakes with the first one that this one has been nothing but a joy to keep so far. I really do treat it like a hobby so I expect to be constantly working on my tank trying to make it better.