Photo #7 - Hermit Grazing - Variety: Tangs, Clowns, Gobys, A...

corals inverts - clibanarius sp. - dwarf yellow tip hermit crab stocking in 120 gallons tank - Hermit grazing
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Hermit grazing
Submitted By: Kate on
Photo Caption: Hermit grazing

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saltwater fish - chrysyptera taupou - fiji blue devil damselfish stocking in 120 gallons tank - Blue damsel
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120 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My 24gal Aquapod, 4 months old.
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corals inverts - diodogorgia nodulifera - yellow finger gorgonian stocking in 120 gallons tank - My Emerald Crab, Elphaba, climbing on the Yellow Gorgonian.

Rank Info

Ranked #1230 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 48.15% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.26
This picture has been rated : 19 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.69

More Info

State: Oklahoma
Country: United States
Description: 120 gal Reef, T5s, small protein skimmer, filtration bio wheels, power heads.
Advice: Enjoy!
Fish Kept: Variety: tangs, clowns, gobys, angels
Corals/Plants: Mostly easy to care for polyps, mushrooms, leathers
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Quote: Put this moment here Kate Bush
About Yourself: Aquatopia


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