More Info
United Kingdom
This is a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft drilled single weir tank. Connected to a 3 teir system that includes a deep sand bed and Puffer Tank. Filtered by a 3ft sump system, with 3 stage media, Deltec Protein Skimmer and UV Vectron Steriliser. Lighting for main reef system is provided by a Silver Sun, double metal halides, with twin blue LED and twin moon glow T8's
Plan all projects carefully, be sure of the position you wish to place your tank, sump and pipe work, it is much easier to change the position of your tank while empty at this stage, then after it is filled with water and live stock. Visit local aquatic stores and talk with other customers so you can pick up advice and knowledge.
Start of simple and build up your own experience before trying some of the harder specialist species. Research equipment and be prepared to pay a little more for equipment proven to work, then less efficient cheaper versions.
Double check with your insurance company if you would be covered for any water damage if the worst should happen....most Insurance companies do not include this type of cover as standard.
Fish Kept:
Regal Tang
Yellow Damsel
Sumatra Maroon Clown Fish
Percula Clown Fish
Royal Gamma
2 x Yellow Gobies
Blue Cheek Goby
Boxer Shrimp
Dancing Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Pink Reef Lobster
Feather Duster
Hermit Crabs
Teddy Bear Crab
Fire Shrimp
Various sized Toadstools
Various sizes Mushroom
Turbin Coral
Yellow Polyps
Brown Polyps
Various colonies of Xenia
Large Medusa Coral
Hammer Coral
Devil's Finger
Cabbage Coral
Tank Size:
500 gallons
About Yourself:
Hi, we have been in this hobby for at least 4 years, we prefer the soft leather corals, but are beginning to explore the world of hard corals. We recently downgraded from a 6ft system to a 3 tier system in order to raise some non reef safe fish and Inverts.
We are hoping to invest in custom tank soon to begin coral fragging.
We are trying to build a website and at the moment in its first beginning stages.