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United States
18x24 x48 90 gal, coralife dual t5 light with 2 x 56w 10k and 2 x 56w 6700k; 2 strips of reef white led, 2 strips of marine led; wet/dry sump; magnum 350 polish filter, eheim filter; 2 eth inline heaters; CO2 tank, redsea 500 diffuser, airstone (at night)
Dont buy every product that is told you need to buy. Make sure you over drive your plants and they will start hammering out the algea.
Fish Kept:
9 Discus, 3 clown loaches, amano shrimp, 5 rainbow, 3 roseline sharks, approx 35 cardinal tetras, aprox 35 rummy nose tetras, chinese algea eater, 1 otto
annubias, crypts, cabumba, lilies, dwarf sagitaria, amazon swords; dwarf hairgrass; lilies and a couple of unknown plants
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
My wife started all of this because of Boo, our betta that is no longer with us. It started with a 1 gal tank....