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This picture looks better than 17.24% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.3
This picture has been rated : 159 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
30x18x24H, Rapid Led 24 kit on 6x20 anodized black heat sink in a custom stainless steel stand. Macro Algea refugium w/ eshopps cone skimmer, ehime heater.
Patience, patience, patience! It takes time! Start slow!
Fish Kept:
2 chromis, paired ocilaris clowns, purple urchin, turbo snails, peppermint shrimp, orange/pink damsel, diamond watchman, tiger pistol shrimp and soon to come a pair of harlequin shrimp.
50+lbs. live rock. Hydnaphora, xenia, flame torch, several mushrooms, stylophora, long tentical anemone, sun burst bubble tip anemone, star polyps, zoa and hitchhikers.
Tank Size:
56 gallons
About Yourself:
We have been doing planted tanks for years and this is our first shot at a reef tank. Time, knowledge and patience is what makes any tanks in our hobby survive.