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The Average Score for this picture is: 2
This picture has been rated : 9 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01
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United States
56 gallon, 30" W x 18" D x 24" H, CF400UV Canister Filter with UV, Hydor ETH 300 In-Line Heater, AquaClear 70 powerhed with micron filter feeding undergravel wash (homemade), Marineland T8 nautral light, Signature Series 24" 12 LED moonlight, Coralife 01692 Digital Power Center, walmart timer for the undergravel system (does not run 24 hours).
water changes again water changes.... slow slow slow do not do anything fast.....
Fish Kept:
56 gallon
Gouramis, ??loach, Black Skirt and Columbian Tetras, Albino Bristlenose Pleco, Golden Killiefish, Rainbow Shark, Blue Cray (Clarki I was told)------
20 Gallon
Rosy Barbs, Serpea Tetras, Glass catfish, Bristlenose Pleco, a Zebra Danno ------
29 Gallon
Orange Crayfish (I don't know what kind it is supposed to stay small) African Cichlids and before anyone says anything about Cichlids in a small tank they are 1" - 2" and we are planning on building a 60 to 75 gallon tank for them as they grow...
artificial, reading up on planting not dabbling in them yet plan on turning my 20 gallon into a 100% planted tank.
Tank Size:
56 gallons
Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. ------ Vince Lombardi
About Yourself:
My son and I started a tank, well I got hooked and now have 3, one is his so he says... The time I spend maintaining and designing the tanks is a very relaxing part of my day to come home and enjoy them...