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This picture looks better than 45.8% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.2
This picture has been rated : 41 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.97
More Info
LARGER TANK- 4ft.x2ft.x2ft. mary river sand as subratate planted thorugh out, 3D backgound. attempting the amazon look
SMALLER TANK- 4ft.x15inch.x18inch. mary river sand substrate, small amout of plants (mainly java moss), 3D background
keep to a theme
Fish Kept:
LARGER TANK- 2x geophagus surinamensis 1x block head (recently died since photo was taken) 1x sailfin pleco various tetras including neons and rummy-nose
SMALLER TANK- 1x flower horn cichlid (bernie) 2x convicts (pair) 1x bristle-nose and 2x salmon tail catfish
various anubias, java moss and java fern
Tank Size:
90 gallons
g'day mate
About Yourself:
ive had many a fish tank in me time and bred sum sweet fish. such as salvini and green terror cichlids, convicts (not like its hard) and bronze cory's