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This picture looks better than 30.43% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.31
This picture has been rated : 182 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.33
More Info
United States
72 gal ALL GLASS bowfront Tank, Modified Bio wheel and modified peguin emperor Filters.
DO WORK! Have fun! And dont get discouraged!
Fish Kept:
4xRed Wag platys,2xCory Cats,10x Neon Tetras,2xPearl Gouramis,1xplatinum Gourami,1xOpaline Gourami,2xBalloon Mollies,2xLyretail Swordtails,2 Tiger barbs,2xAlbino Tiger babrs,5xGlo Light tetras,2x Guppies,3Otocinclus,2xserpae tetras,2xScissortail tetras,1xIrridescent shark,1xPictus catfish,3x Silver tipped tetras,1xSunburst Platy,2 Phantom tetras,2 Neon rosy barbs,1x Phanthom Tetra,5xDanios,3xRummy nosed tetras,1xGiant danio,1xChinese algae eater,2xMarbled Chinese algae eaters! Whew!
2xWhite Ribbons, 3x Amazon Swords,3xonion, 4xJavaferns,Lots of Kyoto grass ,5xAnacharis and the others I cant remember!
Tank Size:
72 gallons
Do Work!
About Yourself:
Just have fun! I watch my tanks more than I watch television! It started as a hobby,,, But,,now it is an addiction! I am still learning. I have had this tank for about 4 months and when I get Better,,, AMANO BETTA WATCH OUT!! I Love Our Hobby!