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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
10 GAL Walmart starter kit (really nice actually) some plastics with Mica-Slate/mountain rock gathered from around my home in Valdez, Alaska.
Careful if buying fish from Wal-Mart as they are usually sick or get sick later on due to their poor care at the store. And I see this alot with new hobbists - NEVER put goldfish in with Tropical fish as they spread sickness and require different water conditions.
Fish Kept:
Breeding pair of Platinum Sailfin Mollys, 1 silver molly female, 1Albino Lyrietail molly, 1 red sailfin female and my Dojo Loach (Which are recovering from crayfish my BF put in without my knowledge - now in seperate tank)
Tank Size:
10 gallons
I love living oceanside