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This picture looks better than 70.76% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.91
This picture has been rated : 47 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Tank size in inches 39(L)x13(H)x12(W). Three compact fluorescent 15W x 2 + 20W x 1. One Fluval 103 External Cannister Filter ( Media Ceramic noodles, filter floss, sponge) and one internal power filter (media Sponge and filter floss) Uses activated carbon for one or two weeks once in 2 months if required. No Co2. Only Ion tablets as fertilizers. Pruning as necessary.
Start slow. Get as much as information from experts. Read the advices from the experienced guys. Weekly water changes and filter maintenance are must. Watch your fish daily and check the water conditions. Lighting is important for planted aquariums. Love your fish :)
Fish Kept:
2 tricolour sharks, 7 tiger barbs, 6 white skirt tetras, 1 Chinese Algae Eater, 3 Angels, 6 Spotted tetras, 2 Zebras
Many plants. Sorry I dont know the names.
Tank Size:
26 gallons
Far from the madding crowd
About Yourself:
Started with a small 20 litre tank with two gold fishes and one black moor. If not for the fish forums in the internet many of my fishes would have died. Learnt a lot about fish keeping and plants through browsing.