Photo #9 - Fantail And Veil Tail - 2 Tricolour Sharks, 7 Tig...

freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish stocking in 26 gallons tank - Fantail and veil tail
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - ryukin goldfish stocking in 26 gallons tank - At last i got them in one line.
Fantail and veil tail
Submitted By: Ganesh on
Photo Caption: Fantail and veil tail
freshwater fish - balantiocheilus melanopterus - bala shark stocking in 26 gallons tank - My Shark
freshwater fish - balantiocheilus melanopterus - bala shark stocking in 26 gallons tank - My Shark
freshwater fish - pristella maxillaris - gold pristella tetra stocking in 26 gallons tank - I dont know the name of this fish. If anyone knows please inform me.
freshwater fish - pristella maxillaris - x-ray pristella tetra stocking in 26 gallons tank - I dont know the name of this fish. If anyone knows please inform me.
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - red cap oranda goldfish stocking in 26 gallons tank - New Oranda
26 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Getting better luck with Goldies.
freshwater fish - balantiocheilus melanopterus - bala shark stocking in 26 gallons tank - Tricolour shark, Tigers, molly etc
freshwater fish - puntius tetrazona - tiger barb stocking in 26 gallons tank - Tigers, Sharks, Angels, Molly etc
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish stocking in 26 gallons tank - Fantail and veil tail
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - ryukin goldfish stocking in 26 gallons tank - At last i got them in one line.
freshwater fish - colisa lalia - dwarf gourami stocking in 26 gallons tank - New friends for gaurami. I was afraid, they might fight. But no problems until now.
freshwater fish - colisa lalia - dwarf gourami stocking in 26 gallons tank - Dwarf gaurami. Angry mood.
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - black moor goldfish stocking in 26 gallons tank - Black Moor. I liked the reflection on the glass
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - koi angel stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blacky waiting for food.
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 26 gallons tank - Angel Fish
freshwater fish - gymnocorymbus ternetzi - white skirt tetra stocking in 26 gallons tank - White Skirt Tetra
freshwater fish - puntius tetrazona - tiger barb stocking in 26 gallons tank - Tiger with beautiful red tails
freshwater fish - colisa lalia - dwarf gourami stocking in 26 gallons tank - Dwarf Guarami
freshwater fish - puntius tetrazona - tiger barb stocking in 26 gallons tank - Tricolour Shark, Tiger, White Molly, Swordtail
freshwater fish - puntius tetrazona - tiger barb stocking in 26 gallons tank - One of my favourite school fish in my tanks.
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - red oranda goldfish stocking in 26 gallons tank - My goldfishes. Sorry for the bad picture. I pamper them a lot and they have become little rascals. They dont stand still for the camera.
26 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - My sharks, mollies, tigers etc
26 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Fullview of the tank.

Rank Info

Ranked #5781 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 22.86% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.55
This picture has been rated : 40 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: Kuwait
Description: Tank size in inches 39(L)x13(H)x12(W). Three compact fluorescent 15W x 2 + 20W x 1. One Fluval 103 External Cannister Filter ( Media Ceramic noodles, filter floss, sponge) and one internal power filter (media Sponge and filter floss) Uses activated carbon for one or two weeks once in 2 months if required. No Co2. Only Ion tablets as fertilizers. Pruning as necessary.
Advice: Start slow. Get as much as information from experts. Read the advices from the experienced guys. Weekly water changes and filter maintenance are must. Watch your fish daily and check the water conditions. Lighting is important for planted aquariums. Love your fish :)
Fish Kept: 2 tricolour sharks, 7 tiger barbs, 6 white skirt tetras, 1 Chinese Algae Eater, 3 Angels, 6 Spotted tetras, 2 Zebras
Corals/Plants: Many plants. Sorry I dont know the names.
Tank Size: 26 gallons
Quote: Far from the madding crowd
About Yourself: Started with a small 20 litre tank with two gold fishes and one black moor. If not for the fish forums in the internet many of my fishes would have died. Learnt a lot about fish keeping and plants through browsing.


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