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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
150g 48x24x30, 4ft Hamilton tech, 2-400wtt 14000kbulbs, 2 vho atinic bulbs. 4 maxijet 1200 pwr heads for flow. Belrin style sump with Euro reef 135 skimmer, 57 wtt sterilizer.
Take your time, Purchase your equipment wisely. If you try to cut costs in the beginning it will cost you more to fix the problems that will develop in the future from faulty or improper equimpment. If need be wait a few weeks more and save some extra money if neccessary.
Fish Kept:
yelllow tang, hippo tang,kole tang,sailfin tang, valimini tang, 4 grn chromis, 3 blue damsels, Pair of marroon clowns, mandrine goby,Yellow watchman goby, bluespot watchman, blk sailfin blenny, bi-color blenny, 3 seahorses, scooter blenny, enginiere goby, yellow fox face, coral beauty,numerous hermits, snails, sally lightfoot and emrald crabs. blue and purple linkia stars, 4 cleaner shrimp 4 fire shrimpt, coral banded shrimp.
various mushrooms, torch, various acros, orange- purple- and brown caps. elegance, colt, 3 crocea clams, 1 dersa clam, 2 maze brains, 1 bubble anenome, various trumpets, numerous ast. leathers,
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Good lighting is the key
About Yourself:
i have been keeping aquariums for over 20 years past 2-3 years I have been seriously into the reef tank hobby. I now work full time in the Aquarium maintenance buisness.