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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United Kingdom
Juwel Trigon 350, T5 Lighting, Juwel Heater plus Fluval 300w Heater, Juwel Jumbo Internal Filter plus Tetratec ex1200 External Filter, Juwel Air Pump and Power Head, All lights and Air pump Remote Controlled.
Dont listen to most of the advice you get in the stores as most are just tring to get your money! Providing you keep on top of water changes and vacuming debris there is no need to constantly be adding chemicals and changing expensive filter media. I run 2 filters and and clean 1 every 2 weeks so they each get a clean every 4 weeks but i always change about 30% of the water each week. A good tip is to not to throw away carbon after it has been used but dry it in a low oven overnight then it can be reused time and time again. This all seems to work for my tank and i always have clear non smelling water and have had no disease yet and very rarely lose a fish.
Fish Kept:
Around 30 mixed malawi, plus a few clown loaches and catfish to keep on top of all the fry.
Few Plastic plants and 75 kilos of ocean rock and 20 kilos of coral sand
Tank Size:
90 gallons
the world is your lobster (Arthur Daley)
About Yourself:
I run this tank with my dad and we fall out about who makes it look the best! so we have both posted pics of our set up on here and then we can let you all decide which looks best.