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This picture looks better than 94.91% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.44
This picture has been rated : 117 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.06
More Info
70 gallon Fluval Vicenza Aquarium Bowfront, T5 lighting, 305 fluval canister.
do tons of reading, weekly water changes and observe your fish before you buy.
Fish Kept:
green barbs, red wag plattys, bristlenose, cherry barbs, pristilla tetras, cory cats, dwarf neon rainbows, female bettas, black skirt tetras.
All silk plants.
Tank Size:
70 gallons
enjoy your hobby
About Yourself:
Wanted an aquarium that was nice to look at in my living room but not too much maintenance and after alot of trial and error I'm content with the results. My tropicals are happy and that's all that counts.
Comments are welcome.