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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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48 x 21 x 18.
250 watt: Marineland Shatterproof submersible heater.
Hydor 2 Powerhead.
Eheim Ecco Comfort Canister Filter- 2236.
Coralife Freshwater Aqualight- 48" Power Compact Light-2 x 65W.
Mag-Float Magnetic Aquarium Glass Cleaner -Medium.
I'm fortunate enough to get advice from a few hobbyists at my workplace before I had this fish fever! I suggest for new hobbyist to do the same or do some research before hand. Either than that, have fun! You'll love it!!
Fish Kept:
Majority of the fish are Africa Cichlids
Live plants, rocks and corals.
Tank Size:
75 gallons