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This picture looks better than 96.88% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.4
This picture has been rated : 42 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.77
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United States
75 gallon Marineland tank with an Eclipse filter & light system... 48"L x 20"T x 18"W...we bought a wider tank so that when the fish get bigger they still can swim freely. The Tinfoil Barbs & the Red Belly Pacu grow to about 12" in length...
Test your water and do 25% water changes every week...& I mean every week! Buy a Python water changing system, it is a must have item and makes water changes no problem at all...No more buckets!!
Fish Kept:
Tinfoil Barbs, Red Belly Pacu, Tiger Barb, Pleco and the King..Blue Lobster...The tanks owner! :)
Both live and fake plants..
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Love your kids..Always..."Family comes first"
About Yourself:
I think I am getting addicted to this hobby! I have two tanks set up now and want more! I would like to build a 200+ gallon tank...and also have a custom African tank...
When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.