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This picture looks better than 43.86% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.79
This picture has been rated : 107 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
this is a 29 gallon tropical fish tank.aqua flow 30 filter,fluval heater.
when cleaning only empty about 25% of the water and keep fish in the tank while in the process.only feed once a day the worst thing you can do is over feed your fish.use water conditioner with every water change.
Fish Kept:
acei cichlid,yellow lab cichlid,fire mouth cichlid,rainbow shark,red tail shark,silver molly,orange molly,dalmation molly,red platy,orange platy,2 albino cory catfish,tin foil barb,tigerbarb,chinese algea eater,dwarf gourami,veiltail betta,2 tetras,marigold varieta,red velvet swordtail.
bamboo plant
Tank Size:
29 gallons
"when in doubt knock em out"
About Yourself:
i got into keeping fish when i saw my friends fish tanks and how cool the fish looked and how there personalitys wer.after i got my first fish i have been exited abut getting new fish and making the tank look different and cooler each time i clean it.i hope you like my fish tank and i hope i helped.