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This picture looks better than 6.67% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.19
This picture has been rated : 109 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United Kingdom
This is our first attempt at a tropical fish tank.
when we got the tank, we had the gravel and heater and filter given to us free with it.
Center is a coluseum, back corner is a mountainy looking thing.
and at the front is what we call The Love Shack!!
Dont fill the tank to quick and if you want lots of fish, be careful on what you buy as other fish will eat them!!
Fish Kept:
1 Angel Fish
3 female Fighter fish
1 male fighter fish
2 mollies
lots of guppies male and female... not suer how many.
2 black tetras.
2 plecs
2 loches (they look like snakes!!)
got 2 grasses.
5 plants with big leaves
2 reddy looking plants.
Tank Size:
4 gallons
About Yourself:
We wanted something for the living room, and this was a brillaint idea, suggested by my boy friend. you tend to look at it more then the tv.
Its so colourful