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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United Kingdom
42 Litre Fish Box, Internal Filter, White light and moonlight bulbs built in. The substrate is ornamental black gravel. The plants are real fertilized by mineral balls pushed under the roots and liquid CO2 (there's a plan to fit a nano gas CO2 system soon). Set up xmas eve 2010, first fish added 10 days later.
Have patience,do lots of research before you set up and look after the water quality (very important).
Fish Kept:
5 Neon Tetras and 4 zebra danios at the moment (tank is still maturing)
Not sure of the names yet. I went to a specialist aquarium centre and took the advice of an experienced member of staff for what was suitable for my set up. -Listenning to the right person can save a lot of time, money and dissappointment!
Tank Size:
9 gallons
You want a tank how big???!!