More Info
United States
Totally different look of a fish tank!33gal long,Custom made 3d background (concrete&styrofoam),all real plants (swords,annubis,ect.)Marineland Emperor280 and Penguin 350b filters,Elite heater,and 48'' Perfecto light fixture
Fish tanks are like art,everyone has there opinion.But just try to have an original look and you will appreciate it more.Everybodys water out of the faucet is different,so find the water treatment that works best for you.PATIENCE.Fish will die in the process.It happens,just don't buy the expensive fish first.
Fish Kept:
Indo tiger Datnoid,Spotted Gar,Silver Arowana.I have other fish tanks with Electric Blue Jack Dempseys,Angel Fish,Tetras,Danios,and Koi.
I only know fish but i'll give it a shot on the plant names.Banana plant,Ozelot sword,Anubais on the drift wood and the long stringy ones
Tank Size:
33 gallons
It has to be true!its on the internet---Bonjour
About Yourself:
No matter what people tell you about fish,just find out for yourself.Yes,it is addicting.Yes,Bigger is better.And No, some fish cant go with some fish,but there's only one way to find out because everyone has different experiences and so will you.So go get that fish you want!