Rank Info
This picture looks better than 14.21% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.06
This picture has been rated : 145 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
I have a whisper 30-60 Gallon filter, aqua tech20-40 gallon filter and a eheim classic 90 gallon filter, 100 watt heater, blue gravel, and rocks, Bubble wall, and draft wood
Have alot of hiding places and know the things your fish likes for it to be happy and healty
Fish Kept:
3 Red parrots
4 Rosy barbs
6 Gold fish
3 Plecostomus
1 Shark fish
1 Black shirts
2 Normal tetras
2 ASST sharks
4 Giants danios
7 Red eye tetras
2 ID sharks
2 Black neon tetras
3 sliver dollars
2 Bleeding heart tetras
2 Ruby tetras
1 Rummy nose tetras
1 Golden algae eater
2 Assorted discus
3 Male bettas
1 Female bettas
2 Angle fish
I have some fake plants
Tank Size:
75 gallons
cool fish
About Yourself:
I just saw a cool tropical fish and it just started from there.