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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
55 Gallon, leftover slate from the neighbor's patio (thanks Wade!), inexpensive filter from PetSmart, tank came with the top and lights. $300 total investment on the stand, tank, filter, hoods, and lights. Added some blue rock, fake plants, and fish. And check out the photo of my wife at the bottom right!
If your wife won't let you spend the money on a new tank, tell her it's a Christmas gift for the entire family...that's what I did!
Fish Kept:
All starter fish for now...tiger barbs, zebra dinos...I hope they make it, but I doubt they will...the tank is only 1 week old...once the tank gets stabalized, I am going to raise the temperature and get some discus fish in there--red and orange.
All fake...
Tank Size:
55 gallons