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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
- 10 gallon horizontal fish tank.
- 60 watts satellite compact sun/paq lighting with lunar light.
- zoo med power head, up to 125 gallons.
- Elite 10-15 gallon in tank heater.
Before purchasing anything. Make sure you do your research.
Fish Kept:
1- white spotted damsel
1- three strip damsel
1- Brittle starfish
1- Green emerald crab
1- Sally lightfoot crab
2- red scarlet hermit crabs
- around 12 to 13 pounds of figi liverock (producing much livestock so far. Nothing I can classify yet.)
- 1 long tentacle anemone
- I had a bubble tipped anemone but he just moved around too much and was found attached to the filter one morning. Both the anemone and filter are not with us today.
Tank Size:
10 gallons
"I'm can handle something bothering me all my life, I'm Irish."
About Yourself:
I am 19 years old and in college. As you can see I am in the process of hopefully creating a micro-reef. Since money is scarce this is a slow building process. Soon I am hoping to get a stand for my tank and set up a protein skimmer ( until then I am doing regular water changes). There is not much livestock in this tank yet, because it is a fairly new.