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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Two tanks 125 gallons each.
Two emperor 400's on each.
SolarmaxHE high efficiency t5 36" light on the top cichlid tank. (Grows alot of algae)
6ft light came with tank day time light bulbs from petsmart, Gives a good color with no algae.
Keep up with water changes and filter changes. Don't buy to many molly's! they will breed like crazy. i was warned to begin with but i didnt believe it. 200 plus babies later in just 4 short months.
Fish Kept:
Top tank African Cichlids- peacocks, aceis, yellow labs, red zebras, lundus, borleyis and a pleco.
Bottow tank, Rainbow sharks, albino sharks, Platys, Swordtails,and a infestation of mollys over 200 mollys, with new ones every week.
20 gallon breeding tank currently empty.
Tried live plants jave fern, didnt like them.
Tank Size:
125 gallons