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The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
2 fluval 404's and 1 808 powerhead with a filter attached. 4x55 watt retro fit lights. All live plants and all real driftwood. I also use sand instead of gravel
water changes, water changes and then water changes and have fun doing it. Your plants will love the dechlorinated water.
Fish Kept:
abn and bbn plecos, synodontis petricola, synodontis erupterus, bosemani rainbows, neons, rasboras, red eyes, powder blue gouramis, peacock eel, pineapple swords, hillstream river loaches, red tailed border loaches, angelfish, striped and spotted rafaels, rummy nose tetras, red tailed sharks and who knows what else.
amazon swords, 3 types of vals, some anubis attached to driftwood and some misc plants. I am also getting some java moss to grow on some of the driftwood.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
MTS--Multiple tank syndrome. Thanks Adam Mcquarrie