Photo #1 - I Have A Variety Of Social Fish And Just Started ...

58 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - I have a variety of social fish and just started planting my tank about 3 month ago when I upgraded lighting.I'm doing the homemade Co2 injectind and most of my plants have taken off. No fish fatalities(knock on wood) I'e read about all the ups and downs and ph spikes.We have really hard water which has which a few species wont grow in but over all It's been a success. Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Submitted By: john on
Photo Caption: I have a variety of social fish and just started planting my tank about 3 month ago when I upgraded lighting.I'm doing the homemade Co2 injectind and most of my plants have taken off. No fish fatalities(knock on wood) I'e read about all the ups and downs and ph spikes.We have really hard water which has which a few species wont grow in but over all It's been a success. Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
58 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - I have a variety of social fish and just started planting my tank about 3 month ago when I upgraded lighting.I'm doing the homemade Co2 injectind and most of my plants have taken off. No fish fatalities(knock on wood) I'e read about all the ups and downs and ph spikes.We have really hard water which has which a few species wont grow in but over all It's been a success. Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Ranked #1132 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.30

More Info

State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Description: It is a 36x22x18 glass tank.I have a 4 lamp, t5 fixture.I'm running a 530 gph canistar filter. I've been experimenting with a variety of live plants, everything but the psalm tree is live.The dwarf gouramis are by far the best at keeping the hair and other algae at bay. I have had cherry red shrimp in it for about 3 month and hope they will start breeding
Advice: Go slow. Find out what works with your water conditions and go with that.
Fish Kept: Yoyo Loach, Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami, Borellis Dwarf Cichlid, Otocinclus Catfish, Sterba's Cory, Black Skirt Tetra, Bristle-nose Catfish
Corals/Plants: got some random samplings on craiglist and I'm not 100 percent shure on all of them
Tank Size: 58 gallons
About Yourself: Iv'e had the tank going on 2 years and just love it. Iv'e always been interested but was afraid it would just be a fad, got a great deal on craigslist, and now I'm thinking of upgradeing to a 90 or 110. I'm an electrician and am married with 3 kids, all of them share at least a little of my enthusiasm for the hobby


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