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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
Tank Size 200L Juwel Lido. Using both internal and external ehiem classic 250 filter. Natural layout, with community chiclid fish.
Do a fair regular water change, I do twice a week water changes. Always make sure you use your water conditioners to keep the water safe for the fish, I also use a bio enhancer with each water change to ensure there is enough good bacteria kept in the tank.
Fish Kept:
Peppered Corydora, Panda Corydora, Skunk Corydora, Petticola Synodontis, Golden Ram,Frontosa Cichlid, Electric Blue Acara, Tin Foil Barb, Silver Shark, Octocinclus, Ghost Knife Fish, Pentazona Barbs, Red Eye Tetra, Rainbow Tetra,
Safe tropical plants, bought from local tropical fish stores.
Tank Size:
200 gallons
About Yourself:
This is just a little hobby/project I began as a tool to relax, excited to see where this little journey takes me; so far I`m 29 weeks into this.