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This picture looks better than 63.57% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.46
This picture has been rated : 155 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United Kingdom
Jewel Vision 180 tank & stand
Deltec ME600 skimmer
Cleartides 360 Refugium
Aquamedic single 150w halide light unit
Certizon C100 ozonizer
Phosban 150 phosphate reactor
ATC 800
Azoo twin fan
x2 6055 Tunze powerheads with controller
Maxijet 1200 powerhead
All blue single aquaray
Tunze auto top up unit
Don't be afraid to ask & beware, it will take hold of your life, it's great
Fish Kept:
Pair of wild Oscellaris clowns
Yellow tang
Leopard Wrasse
Pair of purple firefish
Pair of high fin goby's with a pistol shrimp
Orange/green Mandarin
Green Frogspawn
Bright green candy cane
Derasa clam
Lots of Acans
Green Star Polyps
Various coloured Zoas
Blasto Welsi's
Sun Coral
Flame scallop
Tank Size:
40 gallons
Are you Local (TV series A league of gentlemen
About Yourself:
Always been into fish so when I bought my own house & decided to buy my own tank & wanted a marine set up but did not have the time due to my young children so went for Cichlids. 5 years later I decided to changed my set up for a reef one & that was almost 3 years ago now