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This picture looks better than 35.1% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.36
This picture has been rated : 107 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United States
10 gallon standard, standard hood with screw in CFL, tetra PF10 HOB filter, Fluorite Red substrate, DIY C02 injection
Resist the urge to constantly change and rearrange things and just sit back and enjoy what you've created.
Fish Kept:
4 neon tetras, 2 Otocinclus Catfish, 1 Albino Corydoras Catfish, 2 Ghost Shrimp and temporarily some guppy fry.
Giant Hairgrass, Corkscrew Vals, Hornwort, Banana Plant, Anacharis, Cambodia, Micro Sword, Dwarf Four Leaf Clover, Wisteria, Java Moss, Ludwigia.
Tank Size:
10 gallons
About Yourself:
I've been keeping freshwater fish tanks on and off since i was a child but have just recently realized the world of planted tanks. This is my first attempt at a planted tank and although i am happy with the results so far there are many things I will do differently with my next planted tank.