Photo #1 - I Wanted To Feel I Was Right There In My Tank. So...

29 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - I wanted to feel I was right there in my tank. Some of my dreams start off right here. I will have the most fantastic dream sometimes. A Mermaid appears...Oh Ya..
corals inverts - asterospicularia sp. - asterospicularia coral stocking in 29 gallons tank - Squidward is digging sharing his new condo, Chateau Relaxoe. With Nemo, Dori, and Crush.
I wanted to feel I was right there in my tank. Some of my dreams start off right here. I will have the most fantastic dream sometimes. A Mermaid appears...Oh Ya..
Submitted By: Zack on
Photo Caption: I wanted to feel I was right there in my tank. Some of my dreams start off right here. I will have the most fantastic dream sometimes. A Mermaid appears...Oh Ya..

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29 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - I wanted to feel I was right there in my tank. Some of my dreams start off right here. I will have the most fantastic dream sometimes. A Mermaid appears...Oh Ya..
corals inverts - asterospicularia sp. - asterospicularia coral stocking in 29 gallons tank - Squidward is digging sharing his new condo, Chateau Relaxoe. With Nemo, Dori, and Crush.

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Ranked #1026 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: Reef tank filled with Hollywoods Favorites and me Zack in the back. The tanks lighting is 4 24watt T5. Fillter is a Renna XP1 is all. Power heads moving the water.
Advice: 1. Lots of live rock, crabs, and snails. 2. Pick your friends wisely. 3. Keep your water clean 20% a week. 4. Run your Magnet cleaner once a day. 5. Feed your fish 3 times a day small amounts. They will love you...
Fish Kept: Blue Hippo Tang, Percula Clownfish, Yellow Tail Dansels, Coral Banded Shrimp
Corals/Plants: Purple Tip Frogs Pawn, Green Closed Brain Coral, Blue Mushrooms, Fluorescent Green Mushrooms, Toadstool, Palm Trees, Green Bay Packer Zooanthids, Orange Skirt Polyps, Electric Crocea Clams,Bright Green Montipora Digitata,Bright Yellow Polyps
Tank Size: 29 gallons
About Yourself: My dad took me to OC Tropical Fish and I was hooked. If you have 15mins a day to care for some friends you will love it...


Spongebob said he would only move in his New Pad if I played hide and seek with him and Squidward all the time.... I see him now do you ? When I designed my tank. I wanted to fall asleep looking at it and feel I was right in there with them.. I do... fish avatar
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