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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Aquaon 55 gal. t5 16k actinc, 1 aqueon 75 quiet flow, 1 petco king 255 powerhead, 120 gal. duel port airator with one large stone and one small, gravel, crushed Florida coral
i generally do a 20 percent water change every two days and then dependin on how i feel 50 to 75 percent once a week generally on my day off
Fish Kept:
1 jack dempsey, ,1 elongated Mbuna, one Electric yellow cichlid, 1 convict,1 venustus cichlid, 1 striped raphel, one pleco, one blue gourami, one jewel cichlid,1 green spotted puffer,1bala shark,1 rusty cichlid,1 peacock cichilid,1 banded moorii,1 jack dempsey,1 green terror,1 electric Yellow lab
fake plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I drive skidsteer on a farm just kinda fell into having fish