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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
57 Gallon Wave front tank
Set up in November 2006. Originally with artificial plants and decor. Put real plants in
July 2007.
Hydor Prime 30 External Filter
Fluval 4 Plus Internal Filter
300 Watt Visitherm Heater
Tetratec aps300 air pump running air curtain
DIY Co2 (Been using for about a month)
Research the fish before you buy them. It will save you lots of money in the long run.
Fish Kept:
Lots Of Plecos
Neons, Glowlights, Kissing Gourami's,
Featherfin Cats, Cory's, Golden CAE,
Buenos Aires Tetra's, Black Widow Tetras.
Vallis, Anubias, Amazon Swords, Cabomba,
Lots of Java Moss attached to Bogwood and Rock. Lots of others but I dont know what they are lol.
Tank Size:
57 gallons