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This picture looks better than 41.71% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.09
This picture has been rated : 45 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
United States
We have several tanks. 3, 55 gallon, 1, 75 gallon,, 1, 39 gallon
It starts off small, then you become addicted! Next thing you know your house is full of tanks.
Fish Kept:
Tiger Oscar, Albino Oscar, Peacock bass, Jaguar cichlids, Archers, and other cichlids, not all in the same tank. We have a 55 gallon full of non-aggressive fish also. Guppies, Barbs, Red-nosed rummy.
Our Oscars and Jaguar pull up any plants and destroy them. Most of our tanks have rocks or other things that are too heavy for them to destroy.
Tank Size:
75 gallons