Rank Info
This picture looks better than 49.04% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.78
This picture has been rated : 116 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
- Aqua one 320 28 Litre tank.
- Atman 200 L/hour flowrate.
- Jager 25 W heater.
- Up AQUA sponge filter.
- Elite Air pump.
Be patient, read a lot of info, ask a lot, and ENJOY!
Fish Kept:
Guppies, Red Cherry Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp.
- Ambulia
- Anubias Barteri Sp. Nana
- Anubias Barteri
- Blue Stricta
- Java Moss
- Peacock Moss
- Java Fern
- Amazon Frogbit
Tank Size:
7 gallons
About Yourself:
Started this hobby around 8 years ago. Recently just got back full on this passion. I have 2 tanks, 1 2 ft for goldfish, sterbai, rainbow, and guppies and also a shrimp tank where they breed like crazy. The shrimps in this tank has grown from 20 shrimps to 100+ shrimps in 2 months. RCS and CRS.