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United States
This is a 55 gallon aquarium with oak stand and canopy. The fish is Mr. Orange my 6 year old red devil cichlid. It currently has 3 filters, 2 power filters on the back, one is a Whisper 20-40 gallon, the other is the Cascade 200. The real filtration happens in the Fluval 404 canister filter under the tank. I have Seaview aquarium background adhesive applied to the background, a bubble wand on the left that is under the pile of gravel, and a Marineland Stealth 200 watt heater. There is also a Marineland red LED bubble wall on the right. Also on the right, under the florescent light, I have a lavender filter, to help highlight his white edging. I would prefer the gravel be piled in the back, but Mr. Orange aranged it this way.
Research and never forget to ask questions.
Fish Kept:
Currently: Mr. Orange and Oscar the Grouch (green terror cichlid) in a separate tank.
Past: Red belly piranha for about 8 years and various tetras while I was still learning.
Tank Size:
55 gallons