Photo #3 - This Is My Sun Catfish In My Nans Tank Which Is 1...

Submitted By: ~cKy~ on
Photo Caption: This is my sun catfish in my nans tank which is 15 cm in size only coming out at night to feed.I have took my latest picture of my tank out because of a outbreak of white spot which killed my fav ram ; Rammy so a new pic of my tank re-arrangement of the fish and plants soon to come.

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freshwater fish - corydoras panda - panda cory cat stocking in 15 gallons tank - This is my panda corydora ; PANDY
freshwater fish - papiliochromis ramirezi - gold ram stocking in 15 gallons tank - This is my new ram he is a long finned ballon ramirezi.His water his filtered through peat and i do daily 5% water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite levels in check.Saddly he has now passed on because he got caught in the filter god bless his fishy soul.RIP 14/2/06
freshwater fish - otocinclus sp. - otocinclus catfish stocking in 15 gallons tank - This is my sun catfish in my nans tank which is 15 cm in size only coming out at night to feed.I have took my latest picture of my tank out because of a outbreak of white spot which killed my fav ram ; Rammy so a new pic of my tank re-arrangement of the fish and plants soon to come.

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Ranked #6024 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 19.62% of pictures in this category
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This picture has been rated : 68 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: A new aquarium made by John Allan its 24inches long 15inches high and 12inches wide .Its powered by a fluvel 2 and a box filter with peat as media.Lighting one small brown tinted bulb on the left side of the tank.
Advice: Good Luck and start off with something easy like fighters or goldfish.AND ALL WAYS BUY A GOOD FILTER AND NEVER OVER FEED! If you live in London you may want pop into a fish shop called tachbrook tropicals as i'am a member of staff and will be happy to help you if you come in.
Fish Kept: Ramirezis , Corydoras, Fighters ,Angel catfish, bristlenose catfish, black phantom tetras , white cloud minnows,clown loachs , bolivian rams , x-ray tetras , neon tetras , silver tipped tetras , sun catfish , angelfish , chocolate gouramis , gold gouramis , oscars , channel catfish , red-tailed catfish , discus , plecos , black moors , fantails , lionheads , common goldfish , koi and many many more.....
Corals/Plants: Anubis , Anubis nana, Hortwort , Elodea densa, Algae ball , onion plant , vallis , tiger lotus lilly bulb and many more that i can't remember the names too
Tank Size: 15 gallons
Quote: Keep fish happy no matter the excuse!!!!!
About Yourself: Hi i'm Nathan i'am 15 years old and have been keeping freshwater fish for 4 years now.My personal favourite fish are southern and central american bottom feeders, tetras and cichlids.Six new golden pencilfish and one sterbai cory now installed into my aquarium and were cheap at £2.20 per pencilfish and £6 for the sterbai cory.


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