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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
My tank is an Aqua Tech. Tank that I got from Wal-Mart. It has blue gravel on the bottom. The decorations are from Pets Mart. The two filtration systems are both Aqua Tech. I also have just a standard heater. The tank is on a black stand that is from Wal-Mart. So yea, its pretty much a Wal-Mart/Pets Mart tank, that did not cost me a lot of money.
Make sure that your tank has plenty of space for your fish, if they grow up to be big ones.
I will come up with some real advice later.
Fish Kept:
My tank consists of: 2 algae eaters, a Jack Dempsey Cichlid, a Green Terror Cichlid, a Midas Cichlid, a Pink Kissing Gourami, 3 Peacock Bass (cichla orcellis) I think, a Needle Fish, a Ahli Cichlid, and a Bumblebee Cichlid.
All fake plants/decorations from WAL-MART/Pets Mart.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Dont have one yet.
About Yourself:
I am a huge Saints Fan!!! WHO DAT BABY!!!