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This picture looks better than 82.12% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.35
This picture has been rated : 31 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.31
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New York
United States
Still in the process of setting up my mixed African Cichlids.
My goal is to overstock with lots of color!
Provide plenty of hiding spaces.
Running a Fluval 303 and an Italian Job with a bio plate ?(sorry don't remember brand)
2 powerheads.
Moonlight looks great at night.
So far, so good!
I've been keeping fish for over 20 years.
I've kept as many as 4 tanks at one time.
Goldfish, Guppies, Oscars, Angels, Discus, community tank, & South American Cichlids.
My advice is :Research, Ask a lot of Questions, Keep it Simple.
After 20 yrs, I'm still Learning!
Fish Kept:
Mixed African.
I tried an experiment and had to remove a real plant taken from a lake.
Water just had a foul smell, crystal clear, but foul !
20 yrs and still learning!
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Love my red meat, Hate sushi !!