Photo #8 - Side View 210g Reef When I Was Running Helios 20k...

Submitted By: Jason on
Photo Caption: side view 210g reef when I was running Helios 20K bulbs. This is a bad pic, but my new pics have been "pending" for a while now.
210 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 210 gallon in-wall SPS reef display, 135 gallon refugium, a 55 gallon sump, and 3 10 gallon Carlson surge tanks. Hammerhead Gold return pump, Pacific Coast 1/4 hp chiller, 3 x 400 watt MH lighting using XM 10K bulbs, 2 x 160W 454nm actinic fluorecents on an Ice Cap A4, Nautilus Phosphate reactor, Warner Marine Research AR200E prototype skimmer, Geo 818 calcium reactor filled with almost 30# of Gen-X media
corals inverts - seriatopora hystrix - birdsnest coral stocking in 210 gallons tank - Side view
corals inverts - seriatopora hystrix - birdsnest coral stocking in 210 gallons tank - Left side
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corals inverts - acropora tenuis - tenuis, green with purple tips stocking in 210 gallons tank - Acropora tenuis
saltwater fish - acanthurus lineatus - clown tang stocking in 210 gallons tank - Acanthurus lineatus
210 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 210 gallon in-wall SPS reef display, 135 gallon refugium, a 55 gallon sump, and 3 10 gallon Carlson surge tanks. Hammerhead Gold return pump, Pacific Coast 1/4 hp chiller, 3 x 400 watt MH lighting using XM 10K bulbs, 2 x 160W 454nm actinic fluorecents on an Ice Cap A4, Nautilus Phosphate reactor, Warner Marine Research AR200E prototype skimmer, Geo 818 calcium reactor filled with almost 30# of Gen-X media
fish tank picture - side view 210g reef when I was running Helios 20K bulbs. This is a bad pic, but my new pics have been "pending" for a while now.

More Info

State: Illinois
Country: United States
Description: 210 gallon in-wall SPS reef display, 135 gallon refugium, a 55 gallon sump, and 3 10 gallon Carlson surge tanks. Hammerhead Gold return pump, Pacific Coast 1/4 hp chiller, 3 x 400 watt MH lighting using XM 10K bulbs, 2 x 160W 454nm actinic fluorecents on an Ice Cap A4, Nautilus Phosphate reactor, Warner Marine Research AR200E prototype skimmer, Geo 818 calcium reactor filled with almost 30# of Gen-X media
Advice: It's cheaper and less frustrating to do it right the first time than to upgrade later. Learn Latin.
Fish Kept: Acanthurus Lineatus, Centropyge argi, Chrysiptera starcki x 5, Cryptocentrus leptocephalus, Gobiosoma oceanops, Halichoeres iridis, Naso Vlamingi, Paracanthurus hepatus, Pterapogon kauderni x 4, Salarias fasciatus, Synchiropus picturatus, Valenciennea puellaris, Zebrasoma scopas Zebrasoma veliferum
Corals/Plants: Over 120 species of SPS(mostly started from frags), 15 species of LPS, Tridacna crocea, ORA Tridacna derasa, ORA Tridacna maxima, "Golden Tear Drop" Tridacna maxima, Tridacna squamosa
Tank Size: 210 gallons
About Yourself: I started as a cichlid hobbyist, turned breeder. After breeding 50 or so species of cichlids I tore down my 30 tank/1000+ gallon fish room, and built my dream in-wall reef tank in the summer of '07. I now spend hours at a time pressed against the glass of my reef.


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