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United States
5 Gal. Fish tank I bought from PetSmart. Perfect. Tank sits on my bed side dresser. I do not have a stand for it. Has small mini heater designed for smaller tanks and a Tetra Whisper filter which takes medium sized filter pads. The same filter replacements used for 10 gal. tank filters. Also contains a bubble maker that goes beneath the gravel. I do not know the dimensions of my fish tank. I have not measured it.
Make sure you have a place to put your fish tank. Keep away from direct sunlight and do not put fish tank in front of windows. Be sure that you know what type of fish you plan on getting before you set up your fish tank. New tanks take 4-6 weeks before they are fully established. Make sure you have water testing kits that test for PH, Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels in the water. Keep this in mind, you need 1 gal. for every 1in. of the length of fish. So if a fish is 6 inches, you would need at least 6 or 7 gal. for that one particular fish.
Fish Kept:
1 Male CT (Crown Tail) Betta Fish whom I named Calypso.
Fake plants, no coral.
Tank Size:
5 gallons
With great power, comes great responsibility.
About Yourself:
I started really getting into betta fish when I first had one as a pet. I found them beautiful, colorful, graceful, entertaining and love how they each have their own individual personalities.