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This picture looks better than 69.07% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.4
This picture has been rated : 105 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
my tank is 6ft long by 25in high by 18in deep i use 2 eheim 2215 for filtration
WATER CHANGES! That is the real hobby you take up when your a fish keeper i do small 20% on a regular basis and that keeps my tank looking fresh! Too many fish keepers have crummy looking tanks or sic fish due to insuficiant water changes so when seting up a tank make sure its close to a sink or drain to make this easy
Fish Kept:
i now have the jaguars, the green terror, 3 clown loaches and the arowana all happy and healthy
all silk or plastic my cichlids would tear them up
Tank Size:
125 gallons