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This picture looks better than 85.78% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.53
This picture has been rated : 15 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
Fluval 180 Vicenza, upgraded to Fluval 305 external. Pressurised co2, Lighting 2 x T5 24w, Planted tanks EI Mix fertiliser. All plants from Planted Tanks mail order.
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Fish Kept:
4 congo tetras, 10 rummy nose tetras, 4 dwarf neon rainbowfish, 2 boesmani rainbows, 1 bristlenose, pair of cockatoo cichlids, lots of ramshorn snails, did have loads of cherry shrimps but think the cichlids have had a feast on them!
crypts, weeping moss, vallis. don't know what the rest are!!!
Tank Size:
40 gallons
About Yourself:
Been keeping tropical fish for decades but only very recently got into real plants, this is my first attempt. Not so much aquascaped as planted and hoped that plants would grow. Going for the natural and wild look.