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This picture looks better than 23.32% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.54
This picture has been rated : 162 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
Sumpless marine tank with over the back filters that hang by cascade and 1 fluval canister. 50% of my sand is from the beaches here in florida & water too. lighting.....1 current U.S.A ,1 led strip & 1 marine light fixure.I also have 5 power heads that circulate the aquarium for my corals and anenome & plus my wrasse loves it . By the way , i caught him with my bare hands at jupiter beach with a chicken mcnugget so we named him "jupiter mcnugget" i also have 100 pounds of rock
Go with your gut feeling!
Fish Kept:
2 foxface rabbits,cardinal,2 scooter blennies,4 damsels,1 clarkii & maroon clown,1 valintine puffer and 1 blue head wrasse from jupiter beach
3 pom pom xenias,3 kenya trees, 3 rock flower anenomes , 1 hatian anenome 1 whisker and 1 long tenical anenome.
Tank Size:
125 gallons