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United States
110 gallon tank, with 3 400 watts lighting. i believe for a reef tank you must have strong lighting. i strongly recommend a RO unit and 100% believe in calcium purifier system.
im sure everyone says the same thing here, so i will try to add things here that most dont.
if you get a bad case of flatworms the only thing that works is to buy 1 velvet nudibranch per 10 gallons. do not use any chemicals for the flatworms because the toxins it releases can kill your coral.
the best way to treat ich i have found was using NO SICK FISH ICH. 1 drop per 35 gallons, but make sure you turn off the skimmer, and most important the uv steralizer, and remove any carbon in the filter. if you have a mud system you must use kick ich. good luck and anyone can email me asking me anything
Fish Kept:
1 Yellow Belly Tang, 1 purple tankg, 1 yellow tang,1 Powder Tang, I coral beauty, 1 flame angel, 6 chromis, 1 clown, 1 purple dotty back, 10 skunk shrimp, 10 blood shrimp,mated pair banded shrimp, 5 sally leg crabs, 10 emerald crabs, 10 camel shrimps, 1 banded shark,. 150 crabs 150 snails
1 purple grape coral, green bubble coral, colt coral, leather brown leather, yellow leather, 5 mushroom coral head, sunset coral, 1 plate coral, finger coral, cat eye pollip, orange pollip, candy cane coral, trumpet coral.
Tank Size:
110 gallons
slow and steady
About Yourself:
i have had fish tanks my entire life but always fresh water. i mde teh switch about 5 years ago. i get so much enjoyment from it, and i constantly learning about it.