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This picture looks better than 67.77% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.57
This picture has been rated : 249 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
My tank is a homemade reef show tank,
It is 2- 75 gallons stacked on each other,
that is the only way to describe it.I'm running 2-175 hqis.,and 2 48inch vhos,
Little giant pump,which pumps about 800 gph.I have a 30 gollon long,that I made into a sump,full of live rock & fiji mud,whith 110 watts of power compact.
And a whole butt load of different seagrass
Let it run!!! Don't keep messing whith it!!!
Fish Kept:
Sailfin Tang, Purple Tang, Blue Tang, Yellow headed Sleeper Gobie, Bangi Cardinal, 2 Purple fire fish, Maroon Clown,Sally light foot crab,4 dozen turbos. 2 Harlaquin shrimps.
Green leather,all types of zooanthids,brains, yellow plate,White zenia,clams...too many to name!!!
Tank Size:
130 gallons
I'm the Lizard King,I can do anything.
About Yourself:
Well I got into it about 8 years ago after highschool,I got a job as main.on fish tanks here in St.Louis,and I have ben studing coral reef every since!!!